Equipment and processes available
Scanning Electron Microscope (sem) (JSM 6300F)
JSM 6300F $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscope (afm) (CPII)
CPII $0.00 -
Parylene Deposition
PDS 2010 LabCoater 2 $0.00 -
I/V and C/V Measurement (Alessi 4500)
Alessi 4500 $0.00 -
Furnace Annealing (GSL-1300-40X)
GSL-1300-40X $0.00 -
Filtre à bande
Charge and Diameter Measurement (Zeta Analyzer) (Zetasizer Nano Zs)
Zetasizer Nano Zs $0.00 -
Aligner (200)
200 $0.00 -
Spin Coater (CEE100)
CEE100 $0.00 -
Profilometer (Dektak D150)
Dektak D150 $0.00 -
X-Ray Diffractometer (xrd) (X-Pert PRO MRD)
X-Pert PRO MRD $0.00 -
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (xps) (Escalab 220i XL)
Escalab 220i XL $0.00 -
MT-7 $0.00 -
Rapid Thermal Annealing (rta) (Heatpulse AG610)
Heatpulse AG610 $0.00 -
Viscosimètre et Système Hélipath
Ellipsometer (IR-VASE)
IR-VASE $0.00 -
Ion Implantation (IMC-200)
IMC-200 $0.00 -
Printed Electronics System
F-Serie $0.00 -
Remorque Manac Ultravan II 2019
Microcalorimètre différentiel à balayage (VP-DSC)
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (4500 UHV AFM/STM)
4500 UHV AFM/STM $0.00 -
Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (rbs)
Accelerator Tandetron 1.7 MV and Tandem 6 MV $0.00 -
Auger Spectroscopy (NanoSAM)
NanoSAM $0.00 -
Scanning Electron Microscope (sem) (Quanta 3D FEG)
Quanta 3D FEG $0.00 -
Photomètre multi-paramètres avec DCO
Mercury intrusion porosimeter
$0.00 -
CMS-18 $0.00 -
Laser Ablation Deposition
3000 $0.00 -
Joule Effect Evaporator
Home made $0.00 -
120 liters reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Mélangeur-Malaxeur (pug mixer)
Bet Porosimetry (Autosorb-1)
Autosorb-1 $0.00 -
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etcher (icp-drie) Bosch and Cryogenic Processes
PlasmaLab System 100 – Modular ICP180 $0.00 -
X-Ray Diffractometer (xrd) (X’Pert)
X’Pert $0.00 -
Profilometer (Dektak IIA)
Dektak IIA $0.00 -
Furnace Annealing (Four 3 zones 5566)
Four 3 zones 5566 $0.00 -
I/V and C/V Measurement (Summit 12000)
Summit 12000 $0.00 -
Ion Implantation (N/A)
N/A $0.00 -
Polishing (1PM52-1)
1PM52-1 $0.00 -
Calorimètre différentiel à balayage (DSC)
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Enviroscope)
Enviroscope $0.00 -
Thermogravimetric Analyzer
TGA 8000 $0.00 -
Réfractomètre & Brixemètre
Impedance Analyzer
1255B (2 machines) $0.00 -
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir) (FTS7000-UMA600)
FTS7000-UMA600 $0.00 -
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (dsc) (823)
823 $0.00 -
Dip-pen Nanolithography
Nscriptor $0.00 -
Potentiostat for Electrochemical Nanostructuring
N/A $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Nscriptor)
Nscriptor $0.00 -
Elastic Recoil Detection (erd)
Accélérateur Tandem 6 MV $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (XE-150)
XE-150 $0.00 -
Calorimètre différentiel à balayage
DSC 6000 $0.00 -
200 liters reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Cyclic Voltammetry (VMP3)
VMP3 $0.00 -
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (xps)(PHI 5600-ci spectrometer)
PHI 5600-ci spectrometer $0.00 -
Liquid Phase Chromatography (LC 1200 Series / 6210 TOF LCMS )
LC 1200 Series / 6210 TOF LCMS $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (AFM/STM Multimode)
AFM/STM Multimode $0.00 -
Laser Photolithography
DWL-66FS $0.00 -
Analyseur thermogravimétrique et de calorimétrie différentielle à balayage simultané (TGA/DSC)
Ellipsometer (UVISEL-NIR)
UVISEL-NIR $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (NanoMan VS)
NanoMan VS $0.00 -
Scanning Electron Microscope (sem) (JSM 7600 TFE)
JSM 7600 TFE $0.00 -
30 Liters Reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Magnetron Sputtering
N/A $0.00 -
Aligner (MJB3)
MJB3 $0.00 -
Microscope photonique
Spectromètre UV-Vis
CT scanner
Système d’essais mécaniques universel
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (VT UHV STM/AFM)
VT UHV STM/AFM $0.00 -
Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (lpcvd)
Tystar $0.00 -
Ellipsometer (VVASE)
VVASE $0.00 -
20 liters reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Traitement des eaux-Réservoir
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (nmr) (Inova 600)
Inova 600 $0.00 -
Wire Bonding
KS4523 $0.00 -
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)
PlasmaLab System 100 - Modular PH2 $0.00 -
Ebeam evaporator
Home made $0.00 -
Cyclic Voltammetry (1470)
1470 $0.00 -
X-Ray Diffractometer (xrd) (D8 Advance)
D8 Advance $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Dimensions 3100)
Dimensions 3100 $0.00 -
Séparateur magnétique
Mesure de taille de particules (Partica LA-950)
400 liters reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Electron Beam Deposition
AXXIS $0.00 -
Rapid Thermal Annealing (rta) (Heatpulse 410)
Heatpulse 410 $0.00 -
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir) (MB-Series A and MB-Series F)
MB-Series A and MB-Series F $0.00 -
Four Point Probe Mesurement
S-302 $0.00 -
Focused Ion Beam (fib)
FB 2000-A $0.00 -
Osmose Inverse
Ellipsometer (M-2000)
M-2000 $0.00 -
Ellipsometer (RC2)
RC2 $0.00 -
Zetasizer (mesure de charge et de diamètre de particules) Nano ZSP
Jaw crusher (Broyeur à machoires)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (nmr) (Inova 400)
Inova 400 $0.00 -
Four rotatif
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir) (Magna-550, Magna-760, Magna-850)
Magna-550, Magna-760, Magna-850 $0.00 -
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir) (Nicolet 6700 / NXR FT-Raman Module)
Nicolet 6700 / NXR FT-Raman Module $0.00 -
15 Liters Reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Furnace Annealing (Thermo Scientific)
Thermo Scientific $0.00 -
Liquid Phase Chromatography (LC 1200 Series / 6410 Triple Quadrupole LCMS)
LC 1200 Series / 6410 Triple Quadrupole LCMS $0.00 -
Spin Coater (WS-400)
WS-400 $0.00 -
Scanning electron microscope – focused ion beam (SEM-FIB)
Lyra3 $0.00 -
800 liters reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Joule Effect Evaporator
Home made $0.00 -
Mesure de Charge et de Diamètre (Zeta analyzer) (ZetaPlus 90Plus/BI-MAS)(ZetaPlus 90Plus/BI-MAS)
ZetaPlus 90Plus/BI-MAS $0.00 -
Profilometry (XP-2)
XP-2 $0.00 -
5 Liters Reactor
N/A $0.00 -
Polissage (CP3000)
CP3000 $0.00 -
Micro CT Scanner
Aligner (MA4)
MA4 $0.00 -
KARL FISCHER titrateur volumétrique
Réacteur 1m3
Microscope optique et platine chauffante/refroidissante
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (dsc) (DSC-1)
DSC-1 $0.00 -
Glove box
N/A $0.00 -
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ftir) (FTS6000)
FTS6000 $0.00 -
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etcher (icp-rie)
PlasmaLab System 100 - Modular ICP380 $0.00 -
Profilometer (NR-9200HR)
NR-9200HR $0.00 -
Spectrophotomètre double faisceaux UV/Visible
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (Multimode 8)
Multimode 8 $0.00 -
Thermogravimetry (tga)
SDTA 851 $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Dimension TM 3100)
Dimension TM 3100 $0.00 -
Scanning Electron Microscope (sem) (JSM 7401F)
JSM 7401F $0.00 -
Cyclic Voltammetry (VMP3)
VMP3 $0.00 -
Dimatix Materials Printer DMP-2800 $0.00 -
Laser Ablation Deposition
IPEX $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Multimode)
Multimode $0.00 -
Raman Spectroscopy (LabRAM 800)
LabRAM 800 $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Multimode)
Multimode $0.00 -
Rapid Thermal Annealing (AW410)
AW410 $0.00 -
Raman Spectroscopy (RM)
RM $0.00 -
Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (tof-sims)
NR-9200HR $0.00 -
Auger Spectroscopy (JAMP-30 Auger Microprobe)
JAMP-30 Auger Microprobe $0.00 -
Atomic Force Microscopy (afm) (Nanoscope IIIa)
Nanoscope IIIa $0.00 -
Raman Spectroscopy (Invia)
Invia $0.00 -
Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etcher (icp-rie) Cryogenic process
PlasmaLab System 100 - Modular ICP380 $0.00 -
Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
4210 MP-AES $0.00 -
SB6E $0.00 -
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (xps) (Escalab MkII)
Escalab MkII $0.00 -
ebeam Lithography
Vistec VB6 UHR EWF $0.00 -
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry System (TGA-IR-GC/MS)
TGA 8000– FT-IR spectrophotometer (Spectrum Two) – GC (Clarus 690)/MS (Clarus SQ 8 S) PerkinElmer $0.00 -
Cyclic Voltammetry (1470)
1470 $0.00 -
Particle sizing (Zeta Sizer)
Zetasizer Nano S90 $0.00 -
Wafer Saw (ADT 7100 Provectus)
ADT 7100 Provectus $0.00 -
Broyeur à boulets Ball mill
Quartz Crystal Microbalance
QCA922 $0.00 -
Wafer Saw (DAD3350)
DAD3350 $0.00 -
Aligner (200)
200 $0.00 -
Spin Coater (SpinBall)
SpinBall $0.00 -
Analyseur d’humidité Thermo-balance (Moisture Analyser)
Transmission Electron Microscope (tem)
JSM 2100-F $0.00 -
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (xps) (Axis-Ultra)
Axis-Ultra $0.00 -
Aligner (EVG 620)
EVG 620 $0.00